Saturday, March 18, 2006


Big Wide World

Somewhere out there, in the big wide world, they're playing music and enjoying themselves. Subscribing to lavish quantities of joyous abandon, sucking the marrow from life and pleasuring themselves and each other.

Me, on the other hand, I'm just sitting here. I sit and I type and I watch the odd movie and I think about the world and my place in it.

How does it make me feel to be here, alone, knowing that in the big wide world people are doing things and becoming better than they are?

In the big wide world there are degenerates sinking to new depths of depravity. Even the miserable ones, the dark and twisted souls, they're out there. They're doing things. Shit is getting done. It's all happening out there, in the big wide world.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006


Back - At Least For Awhile

It's been a long while between drinks.

Something like three months.

I've missed you. Truly I have. It's just that I've been occupied with other things. I have a job now, which means I have money, which means I can do shit. Besides sit here and rant and write and reveal.

But I do miss the blog. I miss it like that chick who used to suck my dick without even as much as a hello.

So what to write about?


Has becoming a nine to five type guy completely sapped my creativity? Perhaps.
I like to think not.

When I started this thing it was my intention to actually write stuff. So I feel a tad dissappointed with myself (not the first time). I've spent some time on Myspace and on various forums (PFE in the house yo!) but this one positive creative outlet has been sorely neglected.

Have I allowed myself to be reduced to one of those who merely enjoys the most basic and mindless aspects of the interweb? Have my dreams and ideas been laid waste by apathy and high speed video porn?

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