Sunday, February 17, 2008


Tempting... but I'll have to pass

I wonder sometimes whether what I'm doing is worth the effort.

Which leads one to thinking, "Well, what's the alternative?"

If I was doing something different, would I suddenly become a more complete person?

Happier? More content?

I have this nagging feeling that I'm missing out. That there are things that other people do, see, feel, which are beyond my ken.

Does everyone feel this way? Or is it just me?

Do they hide it?

Is there an emptiness inside all of us? A void that either needs to be filled or ignore?

A breach in our souls whose deafening silence needs to be constantly drowned out by the white noise of our day-to-day existence?

Then in the quiet moments, when there's nobody else around and the world has gone to sleep, it gnaws at you. Slowly and softly. Incessantly.

Perhaps it punctuates the moments of joy?

They say, you cannot see the light without knowing the darkness. But I say, your bumper sticker philosophy is creating a false dichotomy and that in reality, the universe we live in is complex and difficult to understand and the use of such simplistic language to describe such a complicated, multifaceted situation is both intellectually and morally bankrupt.

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