Thursday, June 30, 2005



I started a new job today.

I'm working behind a bar serving drinks and today was my first day.

I know it's not the greatest job in the world. I know I won't be making bucketloads of money. I know I'll be spending hours on my feet cleaning up after drunks and layabouts. I know none of these mean shit.

I know that there aren't many truly great jobs out there that exist and the only reason most people work anywhere is because they need to eat. I know I don't need buckets full of money and I really don't need much to get by. I know weariness comes with any job, shit it comes with any life.

I'm glad the people I work with appear to be "not dicks". I'm glad that at the end of a shift I can sit down with a co-worker and a beer and talk shit for awhile before I have to come home to an empty house. I'm glad I can call my boss 'mate', instead of 'sir' and I'm glad the owner swears and talks shit more than I do.

Most of all I'm glad I got a peak down a co-workers shirt. I don't think she noticed

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