Thursday, July 28, 2005
I found some joy today
If you don't find the joy,
then what's the point?
If you can't scrape together a smile,
then why bother?
If there is no spark of light
within the dark that has become the world,
then why even get out of bed?
Whether this life has a point or not,
Whether your beliefs are true or false,
Whether you are here or there,
Whether you are man or woman.
We all need to find a reason
to go on,
No matter how small.
I found some joy today.
then what's the point?
If you can't scrape together a smile,
then why bother?
If there is no spark of light
within the dark that has become the world,
then why even get out of bed?
Whether this life has a point or not,
Whether your beliefs are true or false,
Whether you are here or there,
Whether you are man or woman.
We all need to find a reason
to go on,
No matter how small.
I found some joy today.
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Sometimes joy is NOT getting out of bed.
Sometimes joy is getting out of bed, kicking the dog, peeing in the corner of your housemates room, having a bowl of cereal and wearing your scowl back to bed.
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Sometimes joy is getting out of bed, kicking the dog, peeing in the corner of your housemates room, having a bowl of cereal and wearing your scowl back to bed.
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