Friday, July 29, 2005


You Know What?

You know what?

Fuck all that cynical bullshit. Fuck pretending not to care. Fuck being a hard-case or hard-arse or hard-whatever.

There some things that just feel good and make you feel good.

And you know what? Most of those things are soft and gentle and sweet.

So go ahead, pretend that you like nothing better than to go through three dozen girls a month, treating each one like a vaginal life support system. Go on fucking your ego to new proportions.

But do not for one second try and tell me you don't enjoy just laying there. Next to her. Feeling her skin against your own. Her warmth. Her gentleness.

Now don't think I'm against fucking. In fact I am all for fucking. If you read this and think that I have something against fucking, well then you'd be wrong (thanks Bill).

What I am sick of is all this bullshit macho posturing.

Soft is good. Sweet is good. Gentle is good.

Don't pretend like your some badass pimp who can fuck any chick he wants, when sometimes (maybe most times) all you want is to hold someone who is willing to hold you back.

And shit, you don't have to be in love with her. Just connect is all. Soft and sweet and sensual.

And don't act like a cunt afterward. Even if you are one.

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