Thursday, October 06, 2005


Happiness is a dumb cunt

I've noticed something.

People who are depressed, upset, angry, unhappy on a semi-regular basis. These people are generally pretty smart. They are usually quite switched on. They see all the bullshit that this world makes us wade through and it pisses them off. They see the hate, the lies, the hypocrisy, and it grates their souls.

Ignorant people tend to be happy people. If you don't believe me go hang out with some fundamentalist christians. The less you think the happier you tend to be.

So which would you choose? Ignorance and bliss. Knowledge and misery.

The thing is that most times we don't get to choose. There are just some people who get it and some who don't and never will. In the words of Louis Armstrong "There are some people that if they don't know, you can't tell them."

That's not to say that smart people can't be happy or that stupid people can't get depressed. I'm just talking in general terms. They way it appears to me.

Me? I consider myself to be reasonably intelligent and if you've read this site then you know that things can get a little dark. But the thing is when I feel dark and emotional I tend to come here and write something. When I'm in a good mood I go do other things.

Maybe stupid people don't know how to show their anger or depression. Maybe the smart ones have found ways to vent their frustrations and deal with all the shit, while the rest just bottle it up and keep it to themselves.

Maybe I should just get over it. Maybe there are things to really get bummed out about. Maybe happiness is incompatible with intelligence.

I just don't know. I'm just guessing.

Hope you can find happiness somewhere, and when you do tell me how.

My mission all along - or at least lately. To be happy with - or in spite of - the fact that we're doomed.

The smartest people - those smarter than us - are happy knowing that they dont matter.

The others you talk about - the fundamentist blah blah blah - are as dumb as us.Desperately trying to say whats true despite not having any insight at all.
You are on to the secret of life.
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