Monday, January 02, 2006


Happy New Year

So another trip around the sun has begun.

Does it really signify anything? Is it just another random date that humanity has deemed important? Is it an excuse to get drunk?

I think yes.

Everyone needs an excuse to let loose and get drunk or high or whatever. In the world we live in fun is at a premium. You take every moment you can get. Even if the moments are made up and meaningless. Because lets face it, it is just a made up holiday (kinda like every other 'holiday'). But I guess the way that we've come to reckon 'time' has lent January 1 some significance. It gives people an opportunity to make a new break in their lives. Granted, its really only in their minds, but so is everything else.

So give yourself a fresh start. Clean the slate. Clean off the vomit and start anew.

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