Sunday, January 01, 2006


Modern Soft Rock?

So I went to a couple of really good concerts recently.

Joe Cocker and the Foo Fighters.

I was really blown away at both shows.

Joe may not be the strapping young lad he once was, but you wouldn't know it from hearing him sing. He still has such power in his voice that it literally gave me shivers when he sang "Little Help From My Friends."

It's the kind of thing that defies description. If you've ever been to a really good gig you'll know what I mean.

I've been lucky enough to have been to a few.

Foo Fighters being one of them. Great. Fucking. Show.

When I first heard Foo Fighters (you know after Nirvana broke up when Kurt quit the band) I didn't really think too much of them. Over the years I must admit they've grown on me.

After seeing them live I have to admit that I am indeed a fan of the Foo. Just the raw power and balls of those guys. Fantastic.

My point, however, is not that these artists rocked. Because let's be frank, you already knew that. My point has nothing to do with the artists themselves really. It has more to do with the crowd.

You see I've been going to concerts for a number of years now. The first gig I've ever went to was Prince. I was twelve or thirteen. It was the Diamonds & Pearls tour. My big brother took me.

At this most recent gig the Foo Fighters played an arena. The atmosphere was great. Everyone was getting into it. Singing along, dancing. All good.

Now those of you that have ever been to a rock show will know that when the band plays a ballad, everyone usually sings along. Especially if the ballad was a hit. And you will then also know that while the crowd is singing along they usually bring out their lighters and raise them above their heads as they slowly sway from side to side.

Well over the years I've noticed a slight change in this phenomenom. No longer does the crowd whip out their flaming gas filled cartridges and proudly ignite them as they raise them high over their heads to create a sea of flickering lights.


These days, in this modern world of the anti-smoking movement and the fast paced momentum of modern technology the cigarette lighter has been replaced. Replaced by the mobile phone. Backlit, big screened mobile-fucking-phones.

I'm not sure what that means exactly. What exactly does this signify? Is rock going soft? Or is it just rock crowds that have softened?

Is the world coming to an end? Or am I being overly dramatic?

I just don't know.

I noticed the cell phone thing when I went to Pearl Jam.

Maybe it's because less people are smoking?
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