Saturday, September 30, 2006


He has your number

He has your number. He has your email. He knows the address of your homepage.

Your phone rings. It's not him. But apparently it would be good idea to get a new credit card.

Your inbox is full. Nothing from him. But you should be able to extend your penis length by inches.

Your homepage has new messages, new comments. Not a one from him. But every unsigned band from here to Tijuana wants to be your friend.

Did I do something? Did I scare him off? Is he okay? Maybe i should write him a letter? Just like in the olden days. But will that freak him out? Too personal? Too much? Too soon? You don't even remember if you have any stationary. Do people even write proper letters anymore?

Why won't he call? Anxiety.

Did I misinterpret something? Panic.

Could I be that blind? Fear.

Your mobile phone beeps.

Could it be? Anticipation.

You snatch at your purse. Where is it? Impatient.

Finally, it's him.

Hey hows it goin? Feel like grabbing a coffee today?

Relief. Smile. Peace.

Sure. De Franco's. 6pm

He will be mine.

What to wear? Makeup, shower, preen. How long do I make him wait?

So does this mean you are actually homo?

YES! I am in with a chance.
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