Monday, October 02, 2006


Nightmares in Shangri-La

So the first thing I remember is I'm standing in the hallway banging on the door.

It's late, or early. Depending on who you ask.

I'm standing there knocking/banging and I'm standing there in boxers and black socks and a white singlet. A wife beater.

And I'm busting to take a piss. Absolutely fucking busting.

I don't know how long I was out there. I don't even know why. I just knew that I needed a toilet, or similar, fast.

I began to look around the halls for a pot plant. Something. Anything. But no luck.

Back to the door. Keep knocking. Louder.

It's started to get cold now but all i can think of is my bladder.

It's full to the brim with the remnants of the night's alcohol intake. Jack Daniels. No ice. No mixer.

I'm very rock and roll.

I rock quite hard. Which is how I found myself in that state. An evening of loud rock and roll music and copious amounts of alcohol. All the elements of a pleasant evening. Including the missing memory.

And it was a pleasant evening. Very much so. But it doesn't change the fact that I'm locked out of my hotel room in my underwear and a bladder full of booze.

Hoping, praying to a fictional deity that my room mate isn't a heavy sleeper.

Your Idea of rock is rather different to mine.

If you were really rock n roll your night would have concluded with choking on your own vomit.
you're so rock n roll you get escorted by security from a John Mayer concert?
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