Tuesday, October 03, 2006


Staying warm

Some say the internet is like a series of tubes.

Those people are idiots.

The internet is an invention. A tool.

A tool that allows disparate pockets of humanity to connect with one another.

And download porn.

You know, all the important stuff.

Putting porn to one side, for the moment, if you can. Making connections is what this is about.

The human animal has been evolved over millenia to seek out emotional attachments. We form emotional bonds with anything and eveything. From pets to inanimate objects to abstract mental constructs.

Our strongest bonds, however, are reserved for other member of our species.

Friends, lovers, family members, sympathetic characters. We get attached. We hold on. We never want to let go.

All of our greatest fears, our sadness, our ugliness is based on the disconnect we feel when someone leaves us. They die, they disappear, they find someone new. It's one of the primary themes of human existence.

As is connection. The two facets of our existence that act most strongly on our psyche.

We do all in our power to make connections with like minded people. We try to improve how we look and who we are, in order to make ourselves more appealing. Not necessarily to the world at large but rather to the pockets of humanity we feel comfortable with.

So when something like the internet comes along, that allows you to connect with all kinds of people, from all over the globe, it's perfect.

Whatever niche you fit in, you can find your place online.

If you love to have your left pinky toe sucked to the theme of mighty mouse, you will find someone who shares your passion online.

You will connect and form bonds and be opened up to new ideas. You will find virtual friends and lovers and it will be good.

You will tell her you love her. He will profess his undying devotion.

You will swap pics, and webcam and email.

You will feel exactly as you would in real life. Same butterflies, same cold sweats, same dopey smile on your face.

The only trouble is, it's not really real. Because you're in Boise and she's in Bhutan.
And no matter how open and honest you are, or claim to be, you can never fully realise the entirety of that person.

Yes they could be flat out lying to you. Definite possibility.

What's more likely is that your perception of them is simply wrong. Assuming you do ever meet, who they are and who you perceive them to be are two completely different things.

In all relationships, particularly romantic ones, we idealise the other person. We filter out the flaws and the smooth out the rough edges in our minds. We put them on a pedestal and bask in their radiant glow.

The thing is, in the real world, reality has a tendency to burst our fucking bubbles and bring us crashing to earth in a pile of our own regret and sorrow. Because in the real world there are no barriers. When you are lying naked with the girl of your dreams, there are few secrets left to divulge. Every scar, every pock mark, every part of her is revealed to you.

Beyond even the physical aspect, you cannot hide who you are. When you are actually with a person, living with them, being with them, they cannot help but reveal themselves. It's true that there are some parts of us that never see the light of day but most things don't. Because they can't.

But in the virtual world, everything is filtered. Yes you love him, you care about him, you think about him all the time, you want nothing more than to be with him. But you don't really know him and he doesn't know you.

So am I against internet relationships? No.

I am totally for any relationship that will bring you joy and make you feel a little warmer in this cold, uncaring universe.

Like I said, one of humanities primary motivations is the desire to connect with others of or species. We are hard wired to do so. And it is fantastic when we do. It is when we feel most alive, most human.

Because let's face it kids, loneliness is the knife that keeps twisting until it leaves you cold and broken. It leaves you clamouring for any kind of warmth and affection. Leaves you willing to take anything, anyone, boy or girl.

Take your chances kids, whether in the real world, or this one. Yes you will hurt and yes you will feel pain. But no pain is worse than the pain of nothing. Of emptiness. Of loneliness.

If hell really did exist it would not be fire and brimstone. It would be the lack of heat. If would not be piles of screaming humanity. It would be empty and alone.

Stay warm my friends, and if you can throw some warmth my way once in awhile I'd be more that happy to reciprocate.

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