Thursday, December 14, 2006


As long as you don't piss on my face we can be friends

Every action has an equal but opposite reaction.
Every joy has its sadness.
Every meeting has its goodbye.

I've just had a goodbye.
At this very moment I'm feeling quite sad.

It's come on gradually. It's been 2 hours since my goodbye and the emotion has been building.
It's like breaking up with someone. Like saying goodbye to old friends. Old friends who I met for the first time three days ago.

Fuck it's been a good weekend. Exceptionally so. Expectations were met and surpassed.

Big red is the bomb. If she didn't have a boyfriend I would rape her to within an inch of her life. Wonderful human being, pity she has poor taste in men. Heart her.

Her man. Fucktard. The Frodo Baggins of comedy. Never a backward step, never a wayward thought. If I thought he could survive it I'd rape him too. Heart him also.

And finally. Slutbucket. She is an amazing woman. She is without a doubt the most awesome, coolest person I have met in a long time. Possibly ever. She is the one from whom I would require permission before raping. I bow before her. She may have thought I was joking, but I meant every word.

I feel like the little kid you see yelling and crying as he's getting pulled out of the toystore by his mother.

Can't I stay just a little longer.

Or maybe forever.

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