Thursday, December 14, 2006


Love and Ecstasy

I love you.

Really. I do.

But I'm also on drugs, so I'm not sure what that means exactly.
Ecstasy is quite potent.

It's been over 36 hours since I swallowed those two little pills and I'm still feeling the effects.
But the important thing is, I love you. All three of you. Even number four. The disappointment.
All of you. Deep, chemical, passionate love. I'd rape each one of you from now until eternity if I could.

I'd do anything you asked me and more just to make you happy. Each one of you exceeded each one of my expectations by a measure or more.

The three. You brave three. Love, Joy, Happiness.

Words fail and the mind can't comprehend the magnitude of the occasion.
After so long and so many promises, the sense of relief is overwhelming.

The smile on my face has been locked in for over 24 hours.

Thanks to you.

Thanks to us.

Even without the narcotics my feelings would be the same. Are the same. You are, each and everyone, awesome.

Excellent human beings, every one. And I thank you.

I'd not done ecstasy before and doing it with you made it an unforgettable experience.
Sitting here now, alone, all I wanna do is hold you and kiss you and lick you all over.

Sober or not, I still heart you.

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