Saturday, December 23, 2006


Never Malice

Interpretation is a funny thing.

Intention versus perception.

Take this blog thingy. It's written mostly from the first person perspective (i.e. mine). The tales found within are taken mostly from real life (mostly).

And when I write them down I'm usually clear on my intent and meaning (in my head anyways). The purpose of the piece, if you will.

The only problem is, you ain't me.

Which means that what you read will be understood differently to what the cunt next to you read.

You bring with you all your preformed conceptions about the universe and your place in it, which renders any objective understanding of any one piece terribly difficult.

Chances are if I know you, if we've ever met or crossed paths, then you will most likely end in up in here. Somewhere.

I don't write for vengance or spite. I don't write to get back at anyone.

I write for me.

I write to create and help me deal with my own shit. It's an outlet. A safety valve almost.

So if I let off some steam and you get burnt, tough. Deal.

I'm not here to protect you and I don't print lies. If you can't face the truth of your own, or mine, or someone else's actions well then perhaps you should stop next time before you do whatever you're upset over.

That said, I'm not out to hurt or "get" anyone. That is the last thing I'm looking to do here. Like I said - vent, create.

If I've upset you let me know. I will probably change or delete my stuff to keep you happy (there is a precedent for this). Because, honestly, I'd rather lose all the fucking shitty blogs from now until the end of time then lose you as a friend. Any of you. All of you.

I've never (that I can remember) written anything here in malice.

Thoughtlessness? Perhaps. But never malice.

You'd write the truth but you'd change it or delete it entirely to please a friend ???? That aint a friend my friend.

Whatever, really you should never censor yourself, I enjoy reading it and if you can't spill out your rotten guts onto this page what's the point ??? Your friends will understand.
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