Sunday, March 04, 2007


I am ego

I am smarter than you.

I am prettier than you.

Everything I will ever do will always be better than anything you do.

I am ego.

I am the voice that tells you that you are special. Talented. Gifted. One above the rest.

I am above all others. I'm not like these other people. I'm not one of the sheeple. I am unique.

This is the litany that I repeat to myself. This is my mantra. This is what keeps me going.

I must tell myself these things, even though I know there is no basis in fact for a single one of these statements. And what's more, I must believe them. Each and every lie. Every misshapen truth.

I have to justify my own existence. Rationalise my actions. I need to stand apart from the great mass of humanity that constantly breaths over my shoulder.

As some bearded rich prick I don't like said in some magazine I don't read,'Everyone has a few good ideas, the special people are just the ones who act on them'

If I may try and put that a little less arrogantly (me sounding unnoarrogant ???? I know just give me a chance) my view is that we're all as special as each other and the ones who you may call 'untalented' 'regular' or 'NORMAL' (shudder) are only those who've been convinced they are all of those things by others.

Plus, if you're not really special, why did they send you to that 'special' school ?? either way I enjoyed the read. Keep up the good slack.
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