Sunday, August 26, 2007


Ad nauseum

I find myself having to stop and stand, with gaping mouth at the awe and wonder of it all. It amazes me that such a thing is even possible, let alone that it's happening to one such as myself.

Strangers from distant lands, friends and kind hearted roustabouts.

There is a saying which states that "familiarity breeds contempt" and another equally cutting statement which claims that "absence makes the heart grow fonder."

Two sides of the same coin, one could argue.

Nevertheless. Appropriate as they may be, they still barely begin to ellucidate my current state of mind.

Sitting there I began to wonder. What the fuck am I doing? Why am I running back to these people? What is it about them and about myself that keeps taking me back?

I find it gives me great pause when I think upon it. What is this unique quirk of fate that continually drags me northward?

And at times, it does my fucking head in.

The absurdity of the situation. The fact that if it wasn't for myspace I would never have met these people. I owe Tom a great deal. I owe you all a great deal more.

Many thanks. Once again.

If I weren't so lazy I'd find the quote from Howard Bloom about how we're all the little bits of sponges regrouping with our own kind after been sivved out. Since I'm lazy though I'll accept that your post summed the point up nicely and be on my merry way.
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