Saturday, September 22, 2007


Love in the Ol' Factory

There are a lot of things about a woman that drive a man to the edge of sanity and decency.

My favourite?

The aroma. The smell. The scent.

Scent of a woman?

More like breathing her in.

Every pheromone, every cell, every molecule.

Sniffing women is what I'm talking about.

I'm talking about going beyond that light and breezy, perfumed, wafting scent that most ladies like to radiate.

I'm talking about that deep down, pheromone laced, sex infused, in between her thighs aroma that makes you spine shiver every time you get a whiff.

It's like you're snorting the purest of all narcotics.

The chemical reaction shoots all the way up into your skull cavity and turns your brain to mush.

It's not a thing you can forget easily. Her smell becomes permanently imprinted on your memory. For as long as you live, you'll remember.

Decades from now, you will get a whiff of someone or something that comes close. And you knees will go week.

There is no aroma in this universe more pleasant than that of a naked woman who wants you.


And the truth will set you free...?

I've been striving.


To be honest.

I can't say that I've been that way. Or even close.

But I'm trying.
Trying real hard.

Not because I care about you, or the state of my immortal soul.

But just because, in the long run, it's easier.

If I tell you the truth... that you're an annoying mother fucker. Then the chances of you leaving me alone is greatly increased. Which, considering your annoyingness, is a good thing.

It's true that my honesty may cause you pain. However this is dwarfed by the amount of suffering you would cause me (and others) with your shit.

Plus you may actually learn something and improve yourself.

Or maybe I'm just a cunt.

A heartless motherfucker with no consideration for the feelings of others.

Even so, I feel honesty is still the best policy.

It may be hard. Painful. Isolating.

But still the best.



I have a black friend.

Really. He's actually black. Like from African and stuff.
Not just an Indian with baggy jeans.

So you see. I'm not a racist.

Which means I can use the word "nigger" without invoking the centuries of pain, suffering and oppression that that word carries with it.

You see the thing is, when you're a person of colour, that comes with a certain amount of baggage. When you wake up in the morning and put that skin on, you have a responsibility to an entire race.

You become a representative of an entire species.

And as a white man with a black friend, I totally understand that.

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