Saturday, September 22, 2007


And the truth will set you free...?

I've been striving.


To be honest.

I can't say that I've been that way. Or even close.

But I'm trying.
Trying real hard.

Not because I care about you, or the state of my immortal soul.

But just because, in the long run, it's easier.

If I tell you the truth... that you're an annoying mother fucker. Then the chances of you leaving me alone is greatly increased. Which, considering your annoyingness, is a good thing.

It's true that my honesty may cause you pain. However this is dwarfed by the amount of suffering you would cause me (and others) with your shit.

Plus you may actually learn something and improve yourself.

Or maybe I'm just a cunt.

A heartless motherfucker with no consideration for the feelings of others.

Even so, I feel honesty is still the best policy.

It may be hard. Painful. Isolating.

But still the best.

above all else i want the truth.
and, i know, the truth shall set me free.

the problem is that the truth will
most likely drive me crazy first.

i have been crazy.
now all that remains is the truth.

good luck. i hope you find what you are looking for. i know you will.

- -
Father Luke
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