Saturday, December 29, 2007



Sariel is what I'm called...


that's what im called in a world where names dont exist and people are never really real and all you can do is hold your breath and hope and dream and wish that one day, some day, all this will become manifest. and that on that day, you will be there. with open eyes. staring, glaring, taking it all in. the brave new world. built upon the foundations of struggle and suffering and grief.

built upon lies and toil and strain. but it's still the same. never has there been a new day. never has the world woken up to a new dawn. never, in all of recorded time has anyone ever done anything of consequence. because everything everyone has ever done will cease. and you will be released. and all this will come to an end

Not bad for two minutes trying to please some drunken British loser (I haven't said that since my last trip to Cambodia's famous child brothels)
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