Thursday, May 22, 2008


Rest.... please

I haven't written anything here for awhile.

I admit, I've been lazy.

I sit here every night in front of this fucking computer screen. Clicking on randoms links and reading up the most obscure and useless facts in the universe.

But I'm still out there. In the universe.

Trying to live a life. Trying to live well. Trying to do something.


Anything to take me away from here and outta my head. Because sometimes, I'll admit, I get tired of myself.

I can't help it.

I have these thoughts. Deep, complicated trains of thought that seems to stretch on forever. And the further they stretch, the more they suck out of me.

Who are we, really? Why are we here? How are we here?

Where the fuck is here exactly? Are we a small part of the multiverse, or is the universe all that there is?

Will the Large Hadron Collider usher in a new era of theoretical and experimental physics?

When will I ever get laid again?


And they're in my head. All the time.

Yes, I'm a curious person. Yes, I want to know about the universe and how it works.

Yes, I wanna get fucking laid. (Like a muthafucka)

But for fuck's sake, can't a man get some rest? Just a little?


Well fuck.

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