Tuesday, December 16, 2008


Really real

I think back on the last time.

It feels like forever ago.

Like cobwebs and the desert sands are fighting for the right to suck the life out of me.

When was the last time I felt... anything?

Have I ever?
Come even close?

But I know that feeling.

Or think I do.

That warm contented feeling that allows you to finally breath.
Like the whole universe just performed the Heimlich maneuver on your soul.
Clearing out the cobwebs and the dust. The sand and the silt.

Freeing you.
To be who you are.

To be
Who you really want to be.

Not the shell
Not the facade
Not the face that you present to the world.

But the real you.

Really real.

The one you've always wanted to be.

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